Wednesday, 13 June 2007


Finally it's alive! Haha...after tweaking with so many things. I've finally got this thing to work. Somehow I've forgotten how I managed to put my picture up in the personal profile section. I've included the url but somehow whenever I click save, the URL is not there anymore! Compared it with my other blog but I don't see anything amiss. Perhaps someone can give some pointers?

Didnt get to travel much this holiday cos too much work to do so i'm just gonna share a pic of me on my way to visit Hogwarts last year! :P

Alright, gonna fly off to HKG with some friends in a couple of hours and I hope the 4MM and 4P babies have done their homework. If you still dunno what homework, please ask around ok? It's due when school reopens.

Ok, i'll update this as I go along in HKG. :)

PS: And I need links for "JJ's Fab List"!!!!! Else people will think I'm a LOSER with no FRIENDS!! So please gimme your links here. Thanks!


Anonymous said...
