Thursday, 11 December 2008


Some complain queen sms me and asked me why my blog is pic-less. Argh. Ok so here goes some pictures which I took with my phone for the month of December. To start things off... KYLIE's IN SINGAPORE! Here'sa video I found on youtube. I obviously didn't take it cos I'm not that type that will waste my concert hours holding a mobile phone busy filming. I'm just not that kinda guy.

I was back in NTU for some course and couldnt help it but visit my former dorm. Hall 16 03-36A. MY roomie and I were the first occupants of the room cos the dorm was newly built and we went through quite a bit of trouble just to get the room cos we didn't want the older dirtier blocks (ie. Hall 1, 2...yucks).

The corridor leading to the room from the main gate.

Welcome to hall 16!

Hall 16's golden spoon cafe. Serves over-priced horfun and the likes. Has a very friendly chicken rice aunty.

Was at the World Aids Day Concert @ Fort Canning Green. Of course partly to see my favourite Sun Yan Zi!

This year's theme was about Anti-Discrimination. And rightfully so. Singapore despite being one of the riches nations in the world, is a few million years backwards in terms of social acceptance. It's high time we stop all these discrimination. I rememeber very well my biomed professors saying that the only way to curb the spread of any epidemics is to treat it like any other epidemics. Discrimination and other non-scientific opinions will only impede the progress of any successful public health programs.


It was really rare for us to get together especially after our uni days. Joel, Waye, Tristan were my best buddies since JC days. Joel's been flying around so much that I hardly know if he's in Singapore. Waye just changed jobs to work in the prestigious Amex Centurion. Tristan missed the party cos he was in LA and NY. So, there's only the 3 of us.

and the theme is... "SHADES!!!!"

I love theme parties. The last one we had was "Labels or Love", obviously based on the SATC movie. And was organised by yours truly. The idea was simple, either you come with a Label, or you come with your Love! So people brought their gfs and bfs and we had a swell time at one of the suites in Naumi Hotel. Was a pretty good get-together for old friends.

Hey i remember seeing this popular pose among the girls from the hills so I got the guys to do it as well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh my god Mr.Ng you make me laugh like hell!! cause you just look gay :D