Saturday, 15 November 2008

yes here i go again...

Someone commented the other day that the only time i post is when I have something to complain. I think this person is damn right. So here goes:

Singaporeans have problems saying "Thank you", "Sorry", "It's ok"...blah blah blah

Case study #1:
Auntie at coffee shop brings my drink. "Thank you auntie". Auntie pretends she never hear. "Thanks ah ..auntie". Auntie gives me the change and walks away. I wonder if I have a third eye on my forehead or what.

Case study #2:
After gym, I went to pick up my blueberry mobile. Just as I was about to drive out, a car stopped in front of me. A whole family boarded the car. The driver looked at me while the family was boarding and I didn't give him any dirty look or what but waited patiently. After the family finished boarding and putting all the rubbish they bought in the boot, he drove off. Just like that. Not a word of thanks. Geez. I should have just blared my horns and high beam him with my lights.

We are about 1.5675 million light years away from being a gracious society.

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