Tuesday, 9 September 2008

The Apple iPod's White Screen of Death

I got a rude shock when Alphie showed a white screen. We're all too familiar with Window's infamous blue screen of death but Ipod's white screen was just freaky. No matter how I try to on and off him, the white screen just stayed put.

So thankfully, there's google. Googled and realised that it's not that quite uncommon. Pressed and held MENU for 6 secs, nothing. Centre button 6 secs, nothing. In a last ditch attempt to resuscitate him, i pressed MENU and centre button TOGETHER for 6 secs. The apple logo popped out. PHEW!

My life is complete again. :D

1 comment:

intelligentwins said...

thanks a lotttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!! had the same problem..i did as per u did by reading ur blog! saved my life n breath!!!! thanks for the post!!! cheers from sweden