Sunday, 13 July 2008


I really dislike this part of the year. Everything's moving so fast, too little time to make sure that everything I do is up to my own satisfaction. And I have little time of my own to do the things I want. Then there are important decisions to make. Should I go on and further my studies or should I just wait one more year? What if i lose steam and become complacent. Or just contented with where I am now... What if I lose the drive. Grr... decisions... I so need todo the PMI right now but I don't even have time to do it!!! ARGH!


SeaLs said...

Aiyah! I'm going through the exact same thing. But you should finish the bond first!

JungleJuice said...

seals! are you?!??

SeaLs said...

Haha! I'm hanging in there - so far so good 'cos my Drama Centre is still the lousiest aka laziest around! Yaaay! My passion's run dry due to the poor calibre of audience, but I'm staying on due to practicality (further studies). I know i won't get a D here! Someone else will take the slack - haha pun intended.